Arp Galaxies 1 to 50
Arp Galaxies 1 to 50
Stefan's Quintet located very close to the large spiral galaxy NGC 7331 in Pegasus, this group of galaxies is extremely faint and tough to find and see. This image is an LRGB of 60:30:30:30 minutes using our Planewave telescope and QSI 683 camera. All five galaxies span an area less than 3.5 minutes of arc, with several of them interacting.
The Trio in Leo. Galaxies M65 (lower right in the image), M66 (upper right) and NGC 3628 (left) are all part of the same group of galaxies at a distance of 65 million light years from Earth. This LRGB image is a compilation of eight 5 minute exposures for the luminance, and six 5 minute exposures for each of the colours.
Virgo Cluster In March 2002 we imaged this collection of galaxies in the northern part of the Virgo cluster. Taken with the FSQ at f/5, this 50 minute exposure shows (from the left) NGC 4477 - m11.4, size 3.8' x 3.4', NGC 4479 - m13.4, size 1.5' x 1.2', NGC 4473 - m11.2, size 4.5' x 2.5', NGC 4458 - m12.0, size 1.5' x 1.5' and NGC 4461, m11.1, size 3.6' x 1.4'