Arp Galaxies 1 to 50
Arp Galaxies 1 to 50
Who Are We?
Paul and Liz (the Earthlings) are astronomers and astro-photographers, with a selection of telescopes, cameras and tracking devices which are used interchangeably to produce the images which you will see on this site. We live in England and have a pretty busy life. Liz is a practicing reflexologist - IIR, AoR, ART and a qualified Nutritional Therapist - dip. NT (CNNT). Paul is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS), a member of the British Astronomical Association and is a web editor for the BAA. He is also a member of the local Parish Council and a director of the Community Land Trust in his UK village home.
However, we try to spend as much time as we can under the clear skies of southern Spain where we have built an observatory. This site also contains a lot of technical information about astronomy which is available on the Astro Information pages on this site. We hope you enjoy your stay, and please feel free to ask us questions.
Our astronomy happens in southern Spain (Andalusia) in an old farmhouse which we have converted into a comfortable house and observatory. We have a 16 inch GSO Richey-Chretien telescope on a Skywatcher EQ8-R PRO mount installed in the dome and capture images using a QSI 683 CCD camera with off-axis guiding using a Lodestar guide camera. We also have a 16 inch truss-tube Newtonian reflector for visual observing, a 4 inch Takahashi FSQ 106 fluorite refractor and a very nice Myauchi 4 inch fluorite binocular.
The House and Observatory
16 inch GSO Dall-Kirkham Telescope and Camera
16 inch Reflector
Takahashi Refractor
4 inch Fluorite Binocular